Campo Designs
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Before we talk about me, let’s talk about you.

You’re a kick-ass entrepreneur changing people’s lives.

(Yeah…You...  you’re a big freakin’ deal!)  

You know it’s time to finally tackle that website project you’ve been putting off for forever. You’re just dreading it because you think that it is going to be a huge time suck and a total drag to put together. 

So… “Build Website” just lives in perpetuity on that dreaded to-do list of yours…


But, come on now, what gives?!? You are getting amazing results for your clients and you’re building great momentum in your business.

Why keep putting off that website (build or redesign) when you know it will bring you more clients and make you more money??? 

Fact is… there are just some things that you’ve got to finally decide to take off of your plate and hand to someone else who is really really good at doing it. Just like you’re really really good at getting results for your clients. Let the expert do their thing.

Sometimes as women entrepreneurs, the idea that we have to do everything on our own gets in the way and what you really need is a little more support to get through that. 


I’m here to be that support for you when it comes to sharing your wonderful message and offerings with the world.

Ashley Campo

Hey, I’m Ashley.

I know all about what you’re going through as an entrepreneur.

In case we’ve never met before, let me tell you a little bit about me…

I’m a Corporate “Escapee” - after years of climbing the corporate ladder in both Denver and San Francisco, my husband and I took the leap, quit our jobs and started our own businesses. (yes, that’s plural 😱)

In the beginning, I was the CEO, the CFO, the Web Designer, the Technical Support, the Content Creator, the Visionary, the Executor…

I was juggling it all!

And it was a lot to handle.

(Did I mention not only did we quit our jobs but we moved to Mexico at the same time!? Hello pressure! 🤪) 

And yes…that was totally me you saw in…



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As we settled into this new entrepreneurial life two things became very clear… 

First… Of all of those “roles” I was juggling... the Web Design/Branding/Strategy piece would become my clear favorite part of what I was doing AND (thank heavens)... also my zone of genius!

(My Clifton Strengths are: Futuristic, Adaptability, Maximizer, Positivity & Strategic… can ya tell?)

Second… I needed to get help for things that were outside of my zone of genius so that I could focus on what I’m really really good at and FINALLY stop stressing about the stuff I’m not so good at

And OMG as soon as I got help with the things I didn’t really want to be doing or didn’t have time for and really started focusing on working in my zone of genius so others can work in theirs… everything clicked!



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I started specifically working with Female Entrepreneurs (I would say BUSY Female Entrepreneurs but isn’t that kind of redundant and obvious?) to build their websites quickly and in a way that really showcases their unique talents and process because I am super passionate about empowering us women to go out there and shine in this world!

For far too long we’ve been hiding, perhaps frozen by imposter syndrome, or perhaps buried by the sea of tasks we as women tackle each and every day, unable to find the time to really commit to ourselves and our businesses.

I offer my VIP Day intensives as a way to help you break out of those endless excuses for why you don’t have that gorgeous website to showcase your skills.

My process is full of extra support like templates and branding tools and tips and tricks I’ve developed over my five year (and counting) entrepreneurial journey to give you soooo much more than just a quick website.


Everything is designed to make this process 100% about making you shine. 

Because a rising tide lifts all ships and as us women become more and more successful, the world becomes a better place. I’m here to support you and as many strong, fierce women as I can.

I’m rooting for you and your success!


The personal stuff…


Well, I’m Ashley, but you can call me Ash.

I live in Mexico with my hubby Frank.

While Mexico is home base, we’ve set up our life & our businesses in a way that allows us to travel a lot and we spend a lot of time visiting friends and family all over the world.

So, you never really know where we might be in any given moment. 🙃

Before moving to Mexico and getting into this entrepreneurial world - we were climbing the corporate ladder in Denver and then later San Francisco. (And we still visit both as often as possible!)

I LOVE to bake and spending an entire weekend for a dozen freshly baked croissants is my happy place. 

I am also a total parrot head and have been jammin’ out to Jimmy Buffett literally my entire life! (Perhaps a sign that I would be destined for beach life in Mexico!)



Okay, enough about me. Back to YOU.

If you’re ready to finally cross that web design project off your to-do list or want to chat a little more about the process - let’s talk!